At GlassCraft Door Company, we take pride in our commitment to be the industry leader in demonstrating environmental stewardship. We have a long history of research and innovation and believe that a healthy environment and healthy business practices go hand in hand.

With over 18 patents, GlassCraft’s designs and technology have earned the company many prestigious awards. Investing in state-of-the art technology, often developing its own innovative processes, GlassCraft is committed to making better products, better doors.

We have developed the perfect environmentally-friendly factory finish options for our doors. Our exclusive patented finishing system is Low LOC and HAP-free. Our finish department is certified by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.

Our composite doors offer the best choice in sustainable and environmentally excellent building materials available. Our patented process includes our exclusive BioFoam, which is an environmentally-friendly green polyurethane insulating foam that utilizes low impact, renewable, non-fossil-fuel sources including plant based oils.